Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Blockchain Cruise Asia

mon15janAll Dayfri19Blockchain Cruise Asia

Event Details

CoinsBank took its maiden voyage when it held the first ever CoinsBank Blockchain Cruise aboard the Anthem of the Seas, through the Caribbean on May 25th, 2017.

The first cruise was a massive success and without further ado, CoinsBank is excited to officially announce the CoinsBank Blockchain Cruise v 2.0 — Blockchain Cruise Asia!

This event will be the blockchain event of the year!

More than 50 speakers
700 guests from all over the world
100 media members
2 conference days and…
3 simultaneous conferences with different topics for guests to choose from

>>Website :



January 15, 2018 - January 19, 2018 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)