Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

Pokémon Go, the augmented reality sensation swallowing the nation, makes few real demands of players, but those it does are simple: go outside, walk around, and discover various landmarks. That’s all well and good for folks that can wander about in the daylight, but things become infinitely trickier at night.

The problem is that not everyone has the luxury of seeing the sun on the regular, thanks to the likes of work and school, which leaves hours of Ash Ketchum cosplay to the dark. No reasonable person can be expected to catch them all while limiting themselves to, if I may borrow an entirely unrelated phrase from The Lion King, everything the light touches.

Which is why every self-respecting Pokémon master needs to keep these tips in mind when throwing down at night.

Don’t Skulk

This one’s a bit broad, but that’s because it applies in nearly every situation. It’s just that it applies doubly so at night. Skulking is never a good look, and attempting to hide the fact that you’re playing Pokémon Go is fine during certain hours — but those hours end when the stars come out or light pollution prevents the stars from coming out. And you’ll look way shadier doing it at night.

Avoid Closed Parks and Stores

Locations like Central Park are incredible for burgeoning trainers, but most places have set business hours that should be respected. Having three Pokéstops right next to each other is lovely, but not being arrested for loitering outside a church late at night is lovelier. See also: the aforementioned “don’t skulk.”


One thought on “6 ‘Pokemon GO’ Tips for Playing at Night Without Getting Arrested or Stabbed”
  1. Is Pokemon Go still alive and kicking? I remember a few years ago people just could not get enough of it and now I have not heard about it in a while. I know that my nephew loved to play it ALL the Time.

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